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U.S. Embassy in Paris

Two avenue Gabriel
75008 Paris
Phone: +33 (1)43122222 

The U.S. Embassy in Paris, France, was established in 1836 and played a crucial role in the close bilateral relationship between the United States and France. Under the leadership of the current Ambassador, Denise Campbell Bauer, the Embassy works to strengthen political, economic, and cultural ties between the two nations.

The Embassy offers various services, including consular assistance for U.S. citizens and visa services for French nationals and other foreign nationals travelling to the United States. 

Apart from the Embassy in Paris, there are several necessary U.S. consulates in France:

Marseille: The consulate in Marseille plays a significant role in the south of France, providing consular services and promoting cultural and economic relations in the region.

Strasbourg: This consulate focuses on cooperation with the many international institutions in Strasbourg, including the Council of Europe. It also provides consular services and supports transatlantic dialogue in political and cultural matters.

Bordeaux: The consulate in Bordeaux offers comprehensive consular services and supports bilateral dialogue in education, science, and trade.

Rennes: This consulate serves the region of Brittany and provides consular services and support for cultural and economic initiatives.

The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in France are essential contact points for U.S. citizens, especially in emergencies. They are critical to promoting and deepening the diverse and long-standing relationship between the U.S. and France.